
Ceramic sculpture, shaped like half of a circle with multiple holes in the structure.

Ascoma Sonya Aboud, 2018年:这个粘土代表的肿瘤, 虫草菌的子实体, 显示孢子的横截面. It is the spore-producing structure that grows from the ant’s head after it’s death bite into the underside of a plant. 然后将真菌的孢子释放到环境中. This traveling interdisciplinary project by Huck Sci艺术 explores the research of David Hughes, 揭示了虫草的无形世界. 


宾州大学公园. — The Office of the Senior Vice President for 研究 at Penn State hosted an open house for the “研究 艺术 Collection” on April 25. The collection showcases the fine balance between art and research through various displays. 从食火鸡鸟扫描到生物制造时尚到可持续建筑, 这些作品以几种不同的维度形式呈现, 包括数字, 打印和3D. 

“看到人们通过艺术从事研究,这令人鼓舞, 通过研究来学习艺术, 不管是有意的还是无意的. This curated collection is a reminder that we are sculpting a landscape of knowledge, 我们在哪里看到我们发现的深度和广度,安德鲁·里德说, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜负责研究的高级副校长. “We truly appreciate not only the artists and the researchers that contributed their work, 但是帮助策划的团队, 安装和创造这个空间,激发对话和灵感.”  

Included in the inaugural exhibit are works by researchers and artists in the College of 艺术s and Architecture, 哈克生命科学研究所, 社会科学研究所, 材料研究所, 能源与环境研究所, 健康与人类发展学院等等.  

Melik德米雷尔, Huck Endowed Chair Professor of Biomimetic Materials in the Penn State 工程学院 contributed his team’s research to the exhibit and discussed why he chose to participate.

“We wanted to draw attention to the issue of microfiber plastic pollution," Demirel said. "The use of plastic products has brought us many benefits, but it comes at a cost. The use of plastic requires massive resources, and it fills up landfills and pollutes our oceans.” 

Seth Bordenstein实验室的研究成果, 微生物组中心主任, 微生物组学教授兼生物学和昆虫学教授, 也包括在收藏中吗. 

“Wonder weaves science and art together in a tapestry of imagination," Bordenstein said. “这种融合推动了跨学科的创造力和合作, ones that have personally enriched my perspective and capacity to think outside the box. 以坚定的方式, Penn State is the model for melding our artistic and scientific imaginations together for the benefit of our experiences and growth."

约瑟夫·平托·杜阿尔特, 建筑学和景观建筑学教授, 也为展览做出了贡献. 

“纵观历史, art has consistently mirrored the advancements in science and technology of its era,杜阿尔特说. "Creating art that encapsulates the forefront of contemporary science and technology often demands a close collaboration between artists and scientists, 模糊了各自领域之间的界限. 本次展览的作品生动地诠释了这一理念."

选择艺术作品是为了突出艺术研究的广度和深度. Included in the mixed media exhibit are microscopic images and ceramic representations of zombie-ant fungus, visual virus gears made of powder-coated aluminum and knit sculpture that emphasize the relationship between form, 力和材料. 

“These captivating works that showcase the remarkable synergy between art and research at Penn State are powerful reminders that art and science are complementary expressions of human creativity and curiosity,金伯利·布鲁说, 助理副总裁, 研究营销和传播, 谁领导了这个策展项目. “我很荣幸能推动这个以教师为特色的系列, 来自整个企业的员工和学生的工作. And a special thank you to the various staff members who assisted with the curation, 准备和安装-例如哈克生命科学研究所, the Office of Physical Plant and the sign Shop at Penn State — who were essential in making this a success."

艺术work will be updated annually to continually showcase new works from across Penn State institutes, 大学和校园. The office, located at 304 in Old Main, is open to visitors to take a self-guided tour weekdays.  
