十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 receives gift from Lockheed Martin to support student project

阿尔图纳,爸爸. — A $39,000 gift from Lockheed Martin will support 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s undergraduate project “Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Non-Toxic Liquid Bipropellant Injectors.” Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company in Bethesda, Maryland.

这个项目, to be conducted at the Advanced Combustion and Energetics Laboratory (ACEL) in 阿尔图纳 and at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 包括热科学实验室, will provide undergraduate 机电工程技术 (EMET) students with hands-on experience in the design and fabrication of liquid bipropellant rocket injectors using both conventionally machined and additively manufactured (AM) methods. The objective is to study the effect of the injector manufacturing process on the combustion characteristics of a nontoxic fuel and oxidizer in low thrust liquid thrusters. 这个项目 will be supervised by Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey Moore and Professor of Mechanical Engineering Grant Risha.

在液体火箭发动机领域, 组织总是在寻找下一个伟大的推动者. 多年来, the goal was to have the most efficient thruster — a long-life rocket engine used for on-orbit space propulsion system attitude control or complex maneuvering of government missiles and targets. 通过科技的兴起, focus has shifted to a means to improve rocket engine design as well as schedule and cost, using nontoxic propellants for safe handling without sacrificing high-performance. 需要改进这些参数的一个领域是火箭发动机喷射器, which introduces fluids through small passageways into the combustion chamber at velocities and liquid droplet sizes ideal for efficient mixing and creation of combustion. If demonstrated to be similar to machined injectors from a performance standpoint, an AM injector could be worthwhile from a cost and schedule perspective as quantities of thrusters increase.

“We are excited and grateful for the opportunity to further educate our undergraduate EMET students through this effort,摩尔说。. “史蒂夫·贝扎的持续支持, 前十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校学生,洛克希德·马丁公司董事, 保罗·米坦, 项目工程经理, has provided our students the experience to design and build rocket engines as well as learn about cutting-edge technology in the space and defense field.” 

洛克希德·马丁公司的项目工程师Bryan Senchuk补充道, “Additive Manufacturing is evolving the way we approach and solve some of the most challenging problems in today’s industry. Lockheed Martin is proud to partner with 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 to pave the future of additive manufacturing as it pertains to nontoxic bipropellant injectors in rocket engines. We are excited about this collaboration that will also develop and prepare engineers for our future workforce.”

一旦设计完成, students will work with the Center for Innovative Materials Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D) at Innovation Park in State College to create the injectors using direct metal printing technology. Both types of injectors will use bench-top hot-fire testing at the ACEL to understand the combustion phenomena of nontoxic liquid propellants and determine if AM injectors have similar performance as machined injectors. In addition to receiving training on liquid rocket engine design and AM processes, students will examine the combustion performance of injector elements in the same combustion chamber and evaluate the material strength of the AM parts through separate tensile test experiments.

“I’m excited and looking forward to working on this Lockheed Martin-sponsored project to learn how the additive manufacturing process can be used in liquid rocket engines,EMET学生Morgan Litzinger说.

这笔捐款将推进“21世纪卓越的伟大十大网投平台信誉排行榜”," a focused campaign that seeks to elevate Penn State’s position as a leading public university in a world defined by rapid change and global connections. 在校友的支持下, 朋友和企业伙伴, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hard-working students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by fueling discovery, 创新创业. To learn more about “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” visit greaterpennstate.事业单位.edu.